It’s that time again. We start next Friday (18 March 2016) at 9pm from

First Half

The route takes us into Stellenbosch for the first control, then out on the R44 through Wellington to Riebeeck Kasteel for the next control. Carry on, passing through Moorreesburg en route to Velddrif (turning right at 139 & 153kms to stay on course). The Velddrif control is just shy of the half-way mark.

Turning point

We return by passing through Vredenburg, Saldanha, Langebaan (great pizza stop on the lagoon) and then through the lovely West Coast Park to join the R27. At the Darling / Yzerfontein crossing we turn left to go through Darling to Malmesbury.

Happy ending

And now for a different ending. We swop the usual suspect (windy R304) for a quieter and potentially more wind protected return – from Malmesbury we take the R45 to Paarl and then the R101 (Old Paarl Road) through Klapmuts to return to Vrede. High five.




Our thoughts are with Rob, who came off at speed on the Blue Route section during Sunday’s Cycle Tour. He is in great spirit, all things considered – his mind probably in a much better state than his body. Rob, heal soon, we want to see you on the Cape 1000.