Herewith the Route Sheet for the 600km BRM on 29th November 2014- E&OE:

  1. 600km BRM 2014 11 29 1st Leg
  2. 600km BRM 2014 29 11 2NDLEG

Please note the following with regards to this event:


An alternative 4th Control has been created; either in Heidelberg or Nigel. Either one may be used as a Control. These have been created on account of the distance from the 3rd Control. Of course the alternative can also be used for refreshment purposes as well as providing support/assistance.


Note the scarcity of refuelling points between Controls on many sections of the course. Make sure you have sufficient provisions of food and liquids to cover the time/distance between Controls also basics such as spare tubes, inflation means, and other basics, don’t forget some cash and means of identity.


Audax protocols regarding assistance from ‘helpers’ en route must be strictly observed. Assistance and support may only be provided at designated Controls. This applies to illumination at night by following any rider/s. Security may be provided by following at a safe distance.

Safety first

But please be warned that following cars can by themselves be a danger to the cyclists in front. There have been instances recently where this has been observed and such behaviour constitutes a flagrant violation of the rules and ethos of these events but also of the law (common sense as well). It would be a great pity to complete successfully a 600km BRM/Qualifier for PBP 2015 and then not have your brevet validated!


Lights, front and rear,  sufficient to see and be seen and the wearing of a helmet is mandatory.  It is also advisable to have spares for your lights. This is mandatory on PBP as well as the wearing of a vizi vest. You should get some practice in doing this as it is really for your own safety as well as for other members of the group.


For those doing a 600km BRM for the first time: after successful completion the world will never look the same afterwards compared to before. What do I meanby this? Once you have done it you won’t need to ask!!!

Cheers and safe cycling.
